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Hello friends!

Wow- I just want to start with thanking you for taking the chance to even check out what this whole adventure I’m embarking on is all about. This has been a rollercoaster of a year, and I’d love to share a bit with you all about why THIS is my first step out of college (rather than, y’know, securing a job with benefits and life insurance). 

In around February of this past year, the clock started ticking as my roommates, friends, and classmates all started securing jobs for post-graduation. Before I really even had a strong faith, I had always had a peace that God would take care of me after college. I can’t describe it- truly just an assurance that He’s got me and I need to sit back and let Him take the reins. I knew that my life was destined for adventure and living somewhat unconventionally but that I would be able to make in impact through whichever roundabout career field I fell into. Now, I recognize that the Holy Spirit had been feeding me that passion long before I had a faith. However, this past semester I succumbed to the LinkedIn pressure and allowed the comparison game to overcome my trust that I would be able to do something that I actually felt passionate about.

I began applying for jobs I didn’t want in cities I didn’t particularly fancy. After a few weeks of that, I felt that graduation felt more like a ticking time bomb rather than a step into freedom. Luckily, in April, my cousin Allie visited me. She told me about her trip she had just taken to Panama and the insane ways she saw God working while she was there. I felt a surge of passion lurch inside my body as we talked for hours about how THAT is what is important in this life- not just making money or being successful, but making real impacts in communities and spreading God’s love to the rest of his people! I told her my dilemma, and she asked me if I had heard of the World Race. Within moments I was filled with an overwhelming peace and excitement. I knew that was the step I needed to take. I have felt God pushing me towards this ever sense I mentally committed and I could not be more excited! 

And that leads us to now! I’m doing my best to fundraise so I can embark on this awesome journey. I am so excited to be devoting my first step out of college into realigning my priorities with the priorities God has for me. It would mean the world for me if you partnered with me along this journey- through donations, through prayer, through blog comments, anything! 

Please call me if you have any questions- I would love to talk more about this with ya!

Peace and love, and thank you for being my friend. 



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